Ionic Detox Foot Bath
Enjoy the Aqua Chi with Tina D!
* Enhances your body’s ability to detoxify and heal *
* Balances energy pathways within the body *
* Non-invasive, pain-free wellness treatment *
The Aqua-Chi Ionic Foot Bath combines the life-giving properties of water with a specialized
bio-electric charge, which enhances and amplifies the body’s ability to heal. Dramatically
increase energy levels and help detoxify your body with an ionic foot bath session.
Imagine the feeling of standing beneath a lush tropical waterfall…
with the freshest, ion-rich, naturally charged water ~ creating a profound sense of wellbeing.
The negative ions created during a footbath session are similar to those found in hot springs,
waterfalls and other naturally charged water sources known to be beneficial to the body.
An energetic wellness treatment specific to you…
The bio-charge produced by the ionic foot bath resonates throughout the water at a frequency
unique to the individual enjoying a foot bath session. Many of the benefits of the foot spa can be
attributed to the re-balancing of the energy meridians and the raising of the bio-electrical potential
of the body at the cellular level.
Some of the best results reported have been with: detoxification, pain reduction, reduced inflammation, recovery time, improved liver, kidney & colon function, as well as improved sleeping patterns.
Often a gentle tingling sensation can be felt during the bath. Immediately after a session it is typical
to feel relaxed and have heightened mental clarity. However, users report that it is the cumulative
effect of the sessions which are the most dramatic - providing a greater long-term benefit.
1 session ~ $35
3 sessions* ~ $90
6 sessions* ~ $150
If in Northeast Ohio, call, text, or email to schedule your 30 minute footbath session today!
Service at your site is available for groups of 3 or more
*Package sessions must be used within 90 days of purchase.
Prices are subject to change without notice. All sales are final; no refunds or exchanges. Additional packages may be offered that are not mentioned here. Gift certificates are available for purchase!
*Disclaimer: This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any medical condition. Please consult with your healthcare professional for specific health care and treatment.